We Are Here For You.
CP Business Continuity Plan
The safety of our employees, clients, suppliers and all of our families remain of critical importance to us. At Consolidated Press we are mobilizing our team and pulling together the expertise needed to provide guidance during times like these. This includes the following:
• Disaster risk assessment and contingency planning tools.
• Communicating and educating all employees about contagious diseases by having department meetings, posting notices and explaining our facility’s guidelines and plans.
• Our management teams have regularly scheduled meetings to refine our production plan should we need to react to production that is more limited.
• Supply chain continuity: plans and communications are in place with our suppliers (i.e. paper merchants, buyout partners, freight carriers, USPS and equipment servicers).
• We are additionally planning, scheduling and staffing for cases where we may see higher than usual absenteeism as employees need to care for children that may be out of school due to school closures, or employees need to care for impacted family members.
In addition, we have taken the following immediate steps in each facility to prevent the spread of influenza and create a healthy environment to minimize the spread of COVID-19:
• We comply with ever-expanding social distancing requirements.
• Updated Consolidated Press visitor policy: we are prohibiting all “non-essential” visitors from entering our facilities. Essential visitors are those required to keep us operational, such as equipment maintenance/repair and deliveries/pick-ups.
• Suspend non-essential business travel and conduct meetings virtually whenever possible.
• Purchased additional hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes and placed throughout the facilities.
• Added multiple posters throughout the facility to raise awareness of proper hygiene habits.
• Working with our cleaning services, we’ve added additional focus areas in the office, manufacturing and common areas.
We are also encouraging individuals to take the following responsibility for personal health:
• Talk to your doctor about getting the seasonal flu vaccine.
• Stay home if you are sick with a fever in excess of 100°F.
• Take preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap or hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.
• Cover your coughs and sneezes.
• Keep frequently touched common surfaces extra clean such as telephones and computer keyboards.
• Avoid using other employee’s phones, desks, pens, or other tools and equipment.
We will remain in close contact with all of our clients and supply chain vendors and will work through this challenge together. Our common goal is to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for our employees while maintaining the products in print you trust us to produce at Consolidated Press. We are here for you.
- What to Do If You Are Sick With COVID-19
- Interim US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with PotentialCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposure in Travel-associated or Community Settings
- Health Alert Network
- Travelers’ Health Website
- OSHA Guidance: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/novel_coronavirus/index.