
Reading Resurgence

Four ways publishers can capitalize on a reading resurgence in turbulent times

Heading into 2022, book publishers are riding a worldwide resurgence of interest in printed books and reading.

At the same time, they are facing a shortage of paper and distribution networks that are crucial to putting those books in their readers’ hands.

Many paper mills have pivoted to packaging, the manufacturing workforce is mid-shuffle, and global logistics disruptions continue to slow shipments of supplies and end products.

Since we specialize in book printing, we want to share with you some of the ways publishers are capitalizing on the demand for printed books, while managing the challenges of printing them.

Print large runs in smaller batches.

Publishers are exploring a stock replenishment model that reprints smaller batches more frequently. Publishers will still meet—or even generate—consumer demand with a plan to roll out an entire run, but in increments that keep prices low and distribution steady.

Publishers sell directly to consumers.

Direct-to-consumer sales are nothing new, but it is easier than ever before to pass on retail sales, which can take up to 40% of the cover price. Using an omnichannel marketing approach, including social media, blogs, websites, and author following, publishers can create a community of readers clamoring for their books.

Experiment with size, shape, and stock.

Consolidated Press can publish a huge array of sizes and shapes. Depending on how your book is being distributed, you may want to try a different size or shape to keep costs low on shipping. In an era where it’s on-trend to buck the trend, you might find that an offbeat look sells more books—especially if it doesn’t need to sit neatly on a retail shelf. The same goes for stock. While CP has the resources and relationships to keep a range of paper stocks on hand, we can offer suggestions for substitutions when one is low or another that might be less expensive.

Expect the unexpected—and tell everyone else to as well.

Today’s mantra is communication, communication, communication. In all manufacturing sectors in 2022, releases, roll-outs, and launches will be…squishy. For book publishers, that means clearly managing expectations for your readers, clients, and authors. At Consolidated Press, our value is in reliable runs on a large scale. So, on our side, clear communication means letting you know exactly what supplies we have available when you can expect to get your project on the press, and if there are changes in cost due to continuing increases in paper and pulp prices. We are not in the business of surprising our customers.

While we recognize how much fluctuation there is in our industry right now, we are in the business of solutions—effective solutions in print, especially for publishers and manufacturers.

Contact us today to get started on your next book, manual, magazine, or catalog. Our power puts us ahead of the pack.